Flood in Kampung Muara. Photo courtesy of Bunga Sirait. Flick
This post was published by Middle East Institute on
January 7, 2016. Following is the link to the article: http://www.mei.edu/content/map/flood-governance-jakarta-role-community-based-organizations-mitigating-annual-floods. In case of the link is not available, I copied the article as you can find
below. Thank you.
Batavia, the colonial
capital of the Dutch East Indies in the first half of the 20th century, was a
small urban area of approximately 150,000 residents. In the second half of the
20th century, Batavia became Jakarta, the
capital of independent Indonesia. Today, Jakarta is a megacity of 28 million
residents and is the largest and one of the most dynamic metropolitan areas in
Southeast Asia; it is also beset with most of the urban problems experienced
throughout the region. The increasing intensity of annual flooding is a major
concern that has plagued Jakarta over the past two decades. In 2007, the worst
floods in memory inundated about 70 percent of the city, killing at least 57
people and causing about 340,000 to flee their homes.[1] Moreover,
the estimated annual damage due to flooding in Jakarta is approximately USD 321
The fall of Indonesia’s New Order regime in 1999 spurred the
process of democratization and decentralization.[3] Flood
governance is a relevant topic to decentralization efforts in Jakarta, as local
governments still lack full power as well as the means to implement effective
flood policy. This article discusses flood governance in Jakarta and examines
the role of community-based organizations in mitigating annual floods.
Mitigating Annual Floods
in Jakarta
Jakarta’s geographic location makes it prone to flooding: the
city lies in a lowland area through which 13 rivers flow; as a lowland area,
high tides in the coastal area have also generated floods.[4] All
tributaries and basin areas of these rivers cross the provincial administrative
regions of West Java and of Jakarta and cut across the local jurisdictional
boundaries of Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, and Depok.
Jakarta experienced severe flooding as early as 1893.[5] All
floods in Jakarta in the first half of the 20th century were due to high rainfall and the breaking of
dikes and dams. In order to mitigate the floods, the Dutch colonial
administration established the Department of Public Works (Departement van
Burgelijke Openbare Werken) in 1918 and built the West Flood Canal in 1922.[6] However,
the flooding cycle in Jakarta changed from one flood every 3 to 5 years in the
first half of the 20th century to once per year since the
Flooding has had critical impact on the infrastructure and
population of Jakarta. In 2008, floods inundated most parts of Jakarta
including the Sedyatmo toll road; and nearly 1,000 flights in the
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport were delayed or diverted while 259 were
cancelled. In 2012, floods submerged hundreds of homes along major Jakarta
waterways, including the Ciliwung, Pesanggrahan, Angke and Krukut rivers, and
displaced 2,430 people. In January 2013, many parts of Jakarta were
inundated following heavy rain; and, as reported by the National Disaster
Mitigation Agency (BNPB), the ensuing floods killed at least 20 people and
sent at least 33,502 fleeing their homes.[8]
In the aftermath of these annual floods, the government normally
attempts to dredge the rivers and release floodwater as quickly as possible
into the sea via the East Flood Canal.[9] Construction
of the East Flood Canal began in the aftermath of major floods in 2002, and
reached the sea on December 31, 2009 after very slow progress due to the
complicated land acquisitions. The East Flood Canal has been considered the
most feasible means to prevent future flooding in Jakarta, but clearly cannot
prevent flooding entirely.
The government also pursued implementation of flood management
infrastructure such as the Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project/Jakarta
Emergency Dredging Initiative (JUFMP/JEDI) and initiated a program to improve
discharge and retention capacity of streams and floodplains.[10] Yet,
despite these efforts to alleviate flooding, the severity of flooding in many
parts of Jakarta has not decreased.
Recent flood management
approaches recognize the importance of community-based coping capacities and
adaptation strategies. Thus far, government responses to flooding in Jakarta
have lacked public participation, particularly in land acquisition and
environmental management. Despite democratization and decentralization measures
that began after 1999, no inclusive government or community empowerment has
been developed in Jakarta’s neighborhoods.[11]
Flood Governance and NGOs in Jakarta
order to coordinate disaster management, including floods, the Government of
Indonesia established the National Disaster Management Coordinating Board
(Bakornas) in 1979. This national body provides central coordination with
support from 13 ministries and the Armed Forces. Bakornas formulates disaster
management policy including prevention, mitigation, rescue, rehabilitation, and
reconstruction, and coordinates disaster management before, during, and after
Interagency disaster task forces were also created at the provincial level
(Satkorlak), the district level (Satlak), and the sub-district level (Satgas).[13]
The end
of the New Order regime marked the transfer of various authorities and
responsibilities from the central government to local governments, including
provincial, districts, and municipalities.[14] The Regional Autonomy Law 32/2004 and
the fiscal Decentralization Law 33/2004 stipulated that the local governments
have powers and responsibilities in all government administrative sectors
except for foreign policy, security and defense, monetary and fiscal matters,
and justice and religious affairs. These two laws have the potential for making
urban planning and development in Indonesia more locally managed.[15]
Nevertheless, flood governance
in Indonesia, particularly in Jakarta, remains a severe issue for the local
governments due to lack of authority and existence of slums and squatter
settlements along riverbanks. Despite the stipulations from the Regional
Autonomy Law 32/2004, the local governments do not have full power to mitigate
and manage floods. The central authorities still govern the largest and most
flood-prone river in Jakarta, the Ciliwung River. The Ministry of Environments
and Forestry maintains the responsibility for the upper watershed of the Ciliwung
River, and the Ministry of Public Works has the authority to improve the
river’s discharge and retention capacity.
slums and squatter settlements along Jakarta’s riverbanks also complicate flood
management efforts.[16] The residents of Jakarta’s riverbanks
are the most vulnerable to flooding and the potential for flood damage.[17] Yet, they have developed deep distrust
of local politicians over the years and will not follow their safety advice or
accept their material support. They also feel comfortable with and are
accustomed to the flooding and will continue to use their pragmatic coping
democratic transformation after the fall of the New Order regime sparked the
growth of social movements and non-government organizations (NGOs). Padawangi
and Douglass identified several NGOs on the Ciliwung River that serve residents
of Ciliwung riverbank including Ciliwung Merdeka, Telapak, Kota Kita, Yayasan
Tanggul Bencana Indonesia, Plan Indonesia, Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Jakarta, and several community initiatives such as Komunitas Ciliwung and
Gerakan Ciliwung Bersih.[19]
with riverbank residents to relocate to a safer place has been a big issue for
the Jakarta city administration. The city administration has proposed the
relocation of riverbank residents as a flood mitigation measure since the
1980s, but it has failed to materialize. The lack of financial support and
public resistance to the evictions has been blamed as reasons of the
initiative’s failure.
NGOs have offered alternative on-site resettlement to riverbank residents who
have resisted eviction. For example, Ciliwung Merdeka worked with the residents
of Ciliwung riverbank and sought their input for on-site resettlement proposals
and convinced skeptical residents about the benefits of multi-story housing.
The residents were fearful of losing their current accommodations and
livelihoods and were biased against multi-story housing. Ciliwung Merdeka held
weekly meetings with the Ciliwung riverbank residents since October 2012 and
discussed the plan on how to make a more habitable and secure environment.
Merdeka also negotiated with the Jakarta city administration to obtain a waiver
of spatial planning regulations that require all buildings be located at least
164 feet from the river. The Jakarta city administration approved the request
and asked the settlement to move back at least 20 feet from the riverbank. The
area was to build a road[20] to allow fire trucks to pass 13 feet
from the riverbank and allow a 7-foot demarcation for green space.[21]
on input from the residents and the advice of a group of experts, Ciliwung
Merdeka presented the proposal of Kampung Susun (elevated villages) to the
Jakarta city administration. In response, the Jakarta city administration asked
Ciliwung Merdeka to additionally provide a health care facility, a mosque, and
schools.[22] The Jakarta city administration
eventually approved the proposal of Kampung Susun on September 16, 2015, and
the development project is expected to begin in 2016.[23]
management poses another issue for flood mitigation efforts. While Jakarta’s
resident produce 6,300 tons of garbage per day, only 5 percent of it is
recycled. The immense amount of garbage that builds up along Jakarta’s
riverbanks and canals causes additional flooding, and exacerbates sanitation
concerns that arise during floods. This reality has encouraged NGOs to push for
strengthened recycling measures.
Merdeka also had established a Compost House to recycle organic waste from
residents of three kampungs (villages) along Ciliwung riverbank including
Kampung Melayu, Kampung Pulo and Bukit Duri.[24] Squatters living in three kampungs
along Ciliwung riverbank received around 10 Rupiah per every kilogram of
organic trash they collected.[25] The recycling program was also
intended to raise residents’ awareness about the importance of trash management
and discourage dumping in the Ciliwung River.
NGOs have also played a critical role in flood response. During
floods, Ciliwung Merdeka’s rescue and relief efforts have often proven to be
faster than those of the government. The residents were able to maintain flood
rescue and relief efforts on their own.[26]They
succeeded in moving their possessions and electronic equipment to higher ground
and evacuating children and the elderly to mosques.[27]
Flood governance in Jakarta is a complicated issue, especially
since it also entails dealing with the existence of slums and squatter
settlements in riverbanks. The 350,000 residents of Jakarta’s riverbanks are
vulnerable to floods but have low trust in the government. They are also
accustomed to dumping trash into the river. The role of NGOs is very important
in managing and mitigating floods in many ways: they empower and collaborate
with residents in order to improve the living environment; mediate communication
between the local government and residents; and also educate residents about
the importance of trash management and community-led rescue efforts.
An effective flood mitigation and management in Indonesia
particularly in megacities such as Jakarta requires a strong community
participation particularly from the riverbank residents. The residents of slums
and squatter settlements in riverbanks are the players of the informal sector
who play an important role in the process of urban transformation in Indonesian
cities including Jakarta. Flood governance in Jakarta will not succeed without
the empowerment and the participation of the riverbank residents. The
government needs to work alongside NGOs to promote public participation in
community-based coping capacities / adaptation strategies.
Flood governance in Indonesian cities will also require a
transfer responsibility of governing watersheds and rivers from the central
government to the local governments. The latter need to have full power to
govern the rivers in their respective areas. Despite the stipulations from the
Regional Autonomy Law 32/2004, the central authorities still have full power to
govern the largest and most flood-prone river in Jakarta and maintains the
responsibility for the upper watershed of the Ciliwung River. The central
government needs to empower the local governments in governing rivers and the
flood occurred from the prolonged and heavy rain in a two-week period from
January 28, 2007 to February 2, 2007. Liu et al. (2007). Regional frequency
analysis of extreme rainfall events in Jakarta. Natural Hazards 75:
[2] Y.
Budiyono, J. Aerts, J., Brinkman, M.A. Marfai, and P. Ward, “Flood risk
assessment for delta mega-cities: A case study of Jakarta,” Natural
Hazards 75 (2015), pp. 389-413.
[3] Deden
Rukmana, “The change and transformation of Indonesian spatial planning after
Suharto’s New Order regime: The case of the Jakarta Metropolitan Area,”International
Planning Studies 20:4 (2015), pp. 350-370.
[4] M.A.
Marfai, A.B. Sekaranom, and P. Ward, “Community responses and adaptation
strategies toward flood hazard in Jakarta, Indonesia,” Natural Hazards 75
(2015), pp. 1127-1144.
[5] Restu
Gunawan, Gagalnya sistem kanal: Pengendalian banjir Jakarta dari masa ke masa (The
failure of canal systems: The history of flood management in Jakarta)
(Jakarta: Penerbit Kompas, 2010).
[6] Ien
Aje, Banjir di Jakarta Tempo Doeloe (The early years of floods in Jakarta)(2013), https://www.facebook.com/notes/ien-aje/banjir-di-jakarta-tempo-doeloe/10151331859093444.
[7] Gunawan
(2010) reported the floods in 1970, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977. The flood in
January 1976 sent about 29,000 fleeing their houses. The next big floods
occurred in May 1980 and December 1981 that displaced 27,000 people and 200,000
people respectively. The December 1981 flood also killed 9 people (Gunawan
[8] Deden
Rukmana, “The Megacity of Jakarta: Problems, challenges and planning efforts,”
Indonesia Urban Studies, March 2014,http://indonesiaurbanstudies.blogspot.com/2014/03/the-megacity-of-jakarta-problems.html.
[9] L.
T. Tambun and Nirmala Ronna, “Jokowi: I am not a God who can solve flooding
instantly”. The Jakarta Globe, November 19, 2012.http://jakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/archive/jokowi-im-not-a-god-who-can-s...
[10] Rita
Padawangi and Mike Douglass, “Water, water everywhere: Toward participatory
solutions to chronic urban flooding in Jakarta,” Pacific Affairs 88:3
(2015), pp. 517-550.
[11] Roanne
Van Voorst, “Formal and informal flood governance in Jakarta,” Habitat
International, August 23, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.08.023.
[12] Bakornas
is still in effect and has coordinated and handled emergency relief operations
including earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcano eruptions, plane crashes, etc.
Bakornas was reorganized in January 2005 after their poor coordination and
management on the emergency relief operations during the tsunami and earthquake
in Aceh in December 2004.
[13] Roanne
Van Voorst, “Formal and informal flood governance in Jakarta,” Habitat
International, August 23, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.08.02.
[14] Deden
Rukmana, “The change and transformation of Indonesian spatial planning after
Suharto’s New Order regime: The case of the Jakarta Metropolitan Area,”International
Planning Studies 20: 4 (2015), pp. 350-370.
[15] Tommy
Firman, “In search of a governance institution model for Jakarta Metropolitan
Area (JMA) under Indonesia’s New Decentralization Policy: Old problem, new
challenges,” Public Administration and Development 28 (2008),
pp. 1-11.
[19] Rita
Padawangi and Mike Douglass, “Water, water everywhere: Toward participatory
solutions to chronic urban flooding in Jakarta,” Pacific Affairs 88:3
(2015), pp. 517-550.
[21] Rulistia,
N.D. “Changing slums into multistory kampong”. The Jakarta Post,
November 3, 2012. http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2012/11/03/changing-slums-multistory-...
[22] Wardhani,
D.A. “Ahok reopens dialogue, revives ‘kampung susun’ idea”. The Jakarta
Post, September 21, 2015.http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/09/21/ahok-reopens-dialogue-revi...
[23] Belarminus,
R. “Ahok setujui gagasan Kampung Susun dari Ciliwung Merdeka (Governor Ahok
approves the idea of Kampung Susun from Ciliwung Merdeka)”.The Daily Kompas,
September 26, 2015,http://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/2015/09/26/21295451/Ahok.Setujui.Gagasan.Kampung.Susun.dari.Ciliwung.Merdeka.
[24] Rita
Padawangi and Mike Douglass, “Water, water everywhere: Toward participatory solutions
to chronic urban flooding in Jakarta,” Pacific Affairs 88:3
(2015), pp. 517-550.
[25] Adh.
“Ciliwung riverbank residents to start ‘cash for trash’ project”. The
Jakarta Post, March 23, 2009. http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2009/03/23/ciliwung-riverbank-residen...
[26] Rita
Padawangi and Mike Douglass, “Water, water everywhere: Toward participatory
solutions to chronic urban flooding in Jakarta,” Pacific Affairs 88:3
(2015), pp. 517-550.
[27] M.A.
Marfai, A.B. Sekaranom, and P. Ward, “Community responses and adaptation
strategies toward flood hazard in Jakarta, Indonesia,” Natural Hazards 75
(2015), pp. 1127-1144.
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